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Data compiled by the European Paper Recycling Council (EPRC) shows that, in 2023, the recycling rate for all paper products including graphic paper and packaging increased to reach the record high of 79.3%. This places the paper sector on track to reach its long-term commitments. The recycling rate is defined as the ratio between the recycling of ‘Paper for Recycling’ (PfR), including the net trade of ‘PfR’ and the consumption of new paper and board. In 2021, the European paper value...

The Awarding Ceremony of the 9th Edition of the European Paper Recycling Awards took place today at the European Parliament Brussels and was hosted by MEP Susana Solís Pérez. The event takes place every two years with the goal to highlight and reward European projects, initiatives or campaigns that change the way we recycle paper in Europe and help achieve the paper and recycling value chain’s ambitious pledge to reach a 76% paper recycling rate by 2030. The ceremony awards the winners...

The latest report by the European Paper Recycling Council (EPRC) shows that paper value chain is still on track to reach a 76% paper recycling rate by 2030. Already outperforming every other material on recycling, and setting the standard for the rest of the world. In 2021, the European paper value chain pledged to recycle 76% of all paper consumed by 2030, or a 76% ‘recycling rate’. The recycling rate is defined as the ratio between the recycling of used paper,...

A new report shows the progress made by the European paper value chain towards recyclingobjectives, which are some of the most ambitious in the world. It also highlights the activities whichhave allowed for it to stay on track. By committing earlier this year to recycle 76% of all paper consumed by 2030, the European papervalue chain renewed its pledge to contribute to the EU’s transformation towards a new model ofcircular economy. The 2021 Monitoring Report, released today, marks the first report...

Representatives of the European paper value chain gathered yesterday in Brussels have pledged to recycle 76% of all paper consumed by 2030. The commitment was taken during the 8th edition of the European Paper Recycling Awards which saw two projects, breaking new ground for how far paper recycling can go, receiving the highest distinction in the European paper recycling community. The video recording of the event is available online. The new, ambitious recycling rate of 76%, calculated by dividing the recycling...

The European paper value chain is proud to announce that it reached the trajectory set back in 2016 to achieve 74% recycling in 2020. 73.9% of all paper consumed in Europe was recycled in 2020. Compared to 2019, 2020 brought another strong increase and if we look back 20 years ago, paper recycling even increased by 40%. Due to the Covid-19 crisis among others, less paper and board was consumed and available for collection last year, while its utilisation in the...

The European paper recycling rate has increased from 71,7% in 2018 to 72% in 2019 due to a stable utilisation of Paper for Recycling (PfR) in the European paper industry. A great signal towards more sustainability is the fact that the collection of Paper for Recycling was maintained at high levels in Europe despite a decrease in paper and board consumption in Europe. The sharp and continued decline in Chinese demand for European Paper for Recycling was balanced by increased...

Getting paper recycling to even higher levels and improving the recyclability of paper based products - this is the main mission of the European Paper Recycling Council, an industry platform gathering associations along the paper value chain. This value chain is now further completed as EuRIC is signing the declaration on paper recycling. EuRIC is the umbrella organisation for European Recycling Industries and represents large companies and SMEs, involved in the recycling and trade of various resource streams. ERPA, the recovered...

The Covid-19 sanitary crisis is unprecedented. The industry associations supporting the European Paper Recycling Council (EPRC) are saddened to see that so many people have lost their lives due to the pandemic. The lockdown measures taken to slow down contamination are deeply impacting our lives as well as business operations. The paper value chain committed to keep its operations to deliver all essential paper products, such as hygiene products, packaging for food or pharmaceuticals while taking all necessary measures to protect...